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Presentation of the surroundings at the campsite in Corsica

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Natural Pool Foret d'Aitone

Chestnuts, beeches, pines, oaks, holly … The Aïtone forest is full of vegetation particularly suited to the freshness of the place.

Located in the south of Corsica, culminating at an altitude of 1,500 meters, the Aïtone forest is full of natural pools and very refreshing waterfalls: water barely reaches 11 degrees in summer!


Located between Ajaccio and Calvi, nestled in the hollow of the gulf that bears his name, the hamlet of Porto is the maritime facade of the municipality of Ota.

With the prestigious sites of the Scandola Nature Reserve, the Gulf of Girolata and the Calanche de Piana, the entire Gulf of Porto was classified in 1983 as World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

Creno Lake

Situé à une altitude de 1310m, le Lac de Creno (Crenu) est le seul lac boisé de Corse. Entouré de pins lariccio, ce beau lac qui ressemble plus aux lacs scandinaves qu’aux autres lacs glaciaires de Corse comblera les amateurs de nature par la présence de nénuphars et de plantes carnivores rares et protégées (Drosera).

Pour y accéder, vous devez vous rendre en voiture jusqu’au village de Soccia par la D23 depuis Vico (en passant par Evisa depuis Porto ou via le Col de Vergio, ou bien en remontant vers le Nord depuis Ajaccio par la D81 puis D70 à partir de Sagone).

The Calanques of Piana

Classified as a world interest by UNESCO, the site of Calanques de Piana is one of the most beautiful places in Corsica with its walls of red granite jagged and sculpted by erosion which fall steeply into the sea 300 meters below .

Some of his “sculptures” have become famous for their resemblance to animals, characters or symbols: calanque of the dog’s head, calanque of the eagle, calanque of the heart …

Legend has it that it was the Devil who created the calanques to punish a shepherdess who refused to accept him. Changed into a statue, she is forever trapped in this fantastic city populated by stone creatures.


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